Journal of Education Reform and Innovation







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(ISSN:  2996-0320)



Journal of Education Reform and Innovation


Face  Volume 1, No.4, 2023  Print version




Title: The Construction of Higher Education Public Basic course Teaching System on Student-centered

Author: Gailin Liu, Hongbo Ji


With its aims to cultivate high-quality competent individuals and students at its core, the perennial focal point of higher education research is how to leverage this student factor to achieve high-quality education. The relevant research on student-centered education has gradually gained prominence since the 1990s. Based on the student-centered teaching philosophy, the School of Freshmen of Xi'an Technological University was established, adhering to problem-oriented approaches, consistently and persistently advances reforms in the public basic curriculum system and pedagogical approaches. The school has established "Foundation, Advanced and Personalized" with tiered classification curriculum development system, which has led to the formation of the "12345" teaching model, emphasizing "one central focus (student-centered), two effective means (online and offline), three critical stages (pre-class, in-class, post-class), four layers of content (theoretical knowledge, case introduction, practical application, and quality enhancement), and five dimensions of assessment (self-learning on the platform, classroom efficiency, post-class assignments, various exams, and practical and innovative competitions)." With the motto of "dedicated teaching and committed nurturing", a modern higher education teaching team with high teaching competence and strong research abilities has been established. Ultimately, it has achieved the goal of providing a strong foundation for sustainable talent development in public basic courses, resulting in significant educational achievements.

Keywords: Student-centered; Higher education basic curriculum; Curriculum system; Teaching Model; Team development

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