Journal of Education Reform and Innovation







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Journal of Education Reform and Innovation


Face  Volume 1, No.4, 2023  Print version




Title: An Initial Exploration of Addressing Cultural Interference in College English Teaching

Author: Jingjing Cao


Cultural disparities and interference present challenges in college English pedagogy as language acquisition is deeply intertwined with culture. In the realm of college English pedagogy, an increasingly recognized issue pertains to cultural disparities and the ensuing challenges of cultural interference. It is now widely acknowledged that culture and language acquisition are deeply intertwined. Language transcends its role as a mere linguistic system, it embodies culture, rendering it an indispensable component of English language acquisition. The primary aim of this study is to examine the significance of cultural considerations in college-level English education through diverse methodologies such as immersive language experiences and cultural sensitivity training. The study's findings provide evidence of the effectiveness of these methodologies in addressing cultural interference in English language learning. Through a nuanced exploration of specific cases and outcomes, we underscore the practical importance of considering cultural dimensions within college English pedagogy. The research highlights the crucial role played by integrating cultural aspects into college-level English language education while cultivating learners' cultural competence.

Keywords: College English teaching; Cultural interference; Cultural learning; Language

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