
Journal of Education Reform and Innovation







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£¨ISSN:  2996-0320£©



Journal of Education Reform and Innovation


Face  Volume 1, No.4, 2023  Print version



DOI: https://doi.org/10.61957/joerai-20230308

Title: Research on Multimodal English Teaching Based on TPACK Framework in the Digital Era

Author: Lijuan Wang, Jie Huang , Yanmei Li


Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is an emerging knowledge system essential for teachers to integrate disciplinary teaching with information technology. The new media environment has spawned the multimodal English teaching model. Multimodal English teaching in the new media environment perfectly integrates modern new media technology and multimodal discourse analysis theory. The combination of the two can optimize teaching effectiveness to a greater extent. Therefore, combining the TPACK framework with the multimodal English teaching model to improve teaching effectiveness of college English course has been the pressing need. By using the methods of classroom observation and face-to-face interview of College English Teachers, this paper aims to explore the current situation, existing problems and causes of the use of TPACK under the multimodal education model of these teachers¡¯ teaching practice and provide corresponding improvement strategies to promote teaching effectiveness, cultivate talents that meet the needs of the times, and promote the professional development of teachers. To promote College English Teachers TPACK ability in multimodal English teaching model, specialized and categorized training needs to be launched by universities and institution and building a professional learning community for college English teachers is also a good way to improve their TPACK theoretical understanding and facilitate peer communication in their daily teaching. Meanwhile, combination of multimodality and localization will better cater to the specific needs of teaching in different regions.

Keywords: TPACK; Multimodal teaching; College English Teachers, Teaching and learning


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