Journal of Education Reform and Innovation







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£¨ISSN:  2996-0320£©



Journal of Education Reform and Innovation


Face  Volume 1, No.4, 2023  Print version




Title: On Humanistic Approaches in English Literature Testing

Author: Anping Ma, Hua Lei


By way of documentation retrieval, exemplification and comparison, this paper presents a study of humanistic approaches applied to English Literature Testing It begins with the relation between structural approaches and humanistic approaches, then illustrates student-centered assessment including self-assessment and peer assessment, subjectivity-stressed assessment in form of essay writing, especially story writing in evaluating learners' proficiency and the role of IT (information technology) in assessment. In the process of student-centered assessment, the teacher gives a guidance, under which students can select what they need according to their ability and interest; To treat students more fairly in subjectivity-stressed assessment, the teacher bases his evaluation on the basis of an "or" rather than an "and" relationship; A QQ group is established to promote interaction between the teacher and students and to combine mixed teaching mode---online and offline teaching together. This paper draws the following conclusions: (1) Student-centered assessment can combine students' motivation and their ability very well and reflect the major role in English Literature Testing; (2) Subjectivity-stressed assessment is flexible and can help students to develop their potentialities to the full and get a more fair score; (3) IT can not only promote interaction between a teacher and students in depth and breadth but also speed up the process. Such a study aims to practice the scientific development concept in education: putting students at the center and inspiring their potentialities in an anxiety-reduced environment.

Keywords: Humanistic approaches; English Literature Testing; Assessment


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