Journal of Education Reform and Innovation







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£¨ISSN:  2996-0320£©



Journal of Education Reform and Innovation


Face  Volume 1, No.4, 2023  Print version




Title: A Study on Multi-Curriculum System in College English

Author: Yajun Wang, Mi Zhang, Hua Zhang, Ninghua Shang


Based on the school reality and students' needs, this study aims to form a "basic+advanced+personalized" multi-curriculum college English curriculum system according to the principle of "different English levels, different professional directions and different curriculum settings¡±, which contributes to consolidating students' English foundation, meeting students' individualized development needs and improving their autonomous learning ability. After one year's teaching practice, remarkable results have been achieved in this teaching reform like higher pass rate of College English Band 4(CET-4) and their English level for postgraduate entrance examination by a set of measures: dividing the teaching objects into three layers, setting three categories of courses, setting scientific and reasonable teaching objectives respectively, developing and reorganizing online and offline teaching resources, adopting online and offline mixed teaching mode, implementing the three-stage teaching practice before class and after class, establishing and improving the evaluation method that considers both process assessment and summative assessment. And it will also have a positive impact on improving students' autonomous learning ability and their sustainable development.

Keywords: College English; Multi-curriculum system; Hierarchical and classification; CET-4


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