Journal of Education Reform and Innovation







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£¨ISSN:  2996-0320£©



Journal of Education Reform and Innovation


Face  Volume 1, No.4, 2023  Print version




Title: The Teaching Principles and Design of the Course of "Introduction to Translation" of MTI

Author: Shasha Zhang, Mei Jin


The Master of Translation and Interpreting (MTI) program was launched in mainland in 2007 with the aim of nurturing high-level and qualified translation profess-ionals. The course of "Introduction to Translation", a crucial foundational course of the MTI program, plays a vital role in developing students' professional competencies. However, the MTI's "Introduction to Translation" course may face several challenges in teaching. This article explores principles and course designs to address these challenges based on the author's extensive teaching experience. Strategies include defining course objectives and positioning, emphasizing a student-centered approach, strengthening process assessment, and enhancing the understanding of theoretical teaching.

Keywords: Introduction to Translation; Student-centered; Theoretical case studies


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